Welcome to Purser Solutions

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A shoreside network providing seamless, efficient and tailored solutions for yacht administration. Our mission is dedicated to building strong and long-lasting relationships with our clients.

We believe that our clients deserve the highest level of service, and we go above and beyond to provide just that.

  • We are dedicated to completing tasks efficiently and accurately, allowing you to focus on core aspects of the yacht’s operation.

  • Reduced salary and overhead costs, no recruitment costs and minimise training expenses.

  • Allowing us to focus on the administrative work will free up your valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on other priorities and increase professional development.

  • With Purser Solutions handling your administrative tasks, you can have greater peace of mind knowing that the yacht’s operations are in capable hands.

  • By delegating responsibilities to us, you can reduce stress and alleviate the burden of managing numerous administrative tasks.

  • Outsourcing administrative tasks allows crew to focus more on their primary responsibilities, leading to improved morale and job satisfaction.